PC/CD Gamer UK 39
00033_Field_RearWindow.KILL when done.txt
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342 lines
-- RearWindow XObject Example Movie
-- by David Jackson-Shields
-- vers. 1.0.2 (10/11/93)
-- © 1992-94 by Macromedia, Inc. and David Jackson-Shields
-- All Rights Reserved
-- This movie demonstrates the use of the RearWindow XObject, which requires
-- System 6.0.5 or later.
-- The uses of the "RearWindow XObject" are:
-- (1) When using a Stage size smaller than your monitor screen...you
-- can cover the Finder Desktop when running on system 7.x or later,
-- (or when running with systems 6.0.7 or later under "Multi-Finder" mode.)
-- Options include filling the Rear Window with:
-- (A) a 1-bit QuickDraw pattern: white, ltGray, gray, dkGray, black
-- (B) the Finder Desktop pattern (whether color or black & white)
-- (C) an indexed color of the current palette
-- (D) an RGB color (specified by Red, Green, Blue values)
-- (E) a Director bitmapped castMember (either stretched or non-stretched)
-- (F) a PICT file image (either stretched or non-stretched)
-- (2) To obtain the monitor screen pixel dimensions (top, left, bottom, right)
-- NOTE: The addition of an extra window even larger than your Stage will
-- impact the memory requirements of your project. Check the "About MM"
-- memory guage, or put the freeBytes and the freeBlock in the message
-- window to see the impact this extra window has, and adjust your movieΓÇÖs
-- memory management as needed. In addition, a copy of any castMember or
-- PICT file image used in RearWindow is kept in RAM. This is so it can
-- be redrawn in the RearWindow during update events...(like when the user
-- opens a Desk Accessory or goes to MultiFinder and back, etc.)
on ZZZstartMovie
--coverDesktop -99
end ZZZstartMovie
on ZZZstopMovie
end ZZZstopMovie
on ZZZinitRearWindow
global rwObj, gMaxColors, deskTopPattern, black
set x = the colorDepth
-- assign maximum index colors for the color depth setting:
if x >= 8 then set gMaxColors = 255
if x = 4 then set gMaxColors = 15
if x = 2 then set gMaxColors = 3
if x = 1 then set gMaxColors = 0
if gMaxColors = 255 then
put string( 100 ) into field "colorIndex" -- 100 works well with the stagecolor
put string( gMaxColors/2 ) into field "colorIndex"
end if
-- You must open an external library file if you do not have
-- the "RearWindow" XCOD resource in the movie using ResEdit:
if factory( "RearWindow" ) = 0 then
OpenXLib "RearWindow.XObj"
end if
if objectP( rwObj ) then rwObj( mDispose )
when mouseDown then mouseHandler
when keyDown then keyHandler
end initRearWindow
on ZZZreleaseRearWindow
global rwObj
if objectP( rwObj ) then
rwObj( mDispose )
end if
-- You must Close the Xlib if you do not have
-- the XCOD resource installed in the movie with ResEdit:
put " " into field "stage&Screen"
put " " into field "colorIndex"
set the mouseDownScript to EMPTY
set the keyDownScript to EMPTY
end releaseRearWindow
on ZZZinitGlobals
-- these 1-bit pattern values are constantized in this example movie
-- for use when calling the coverDesktop handler from button scripts:
global white, ltGray, gray, dkGray, black, deskTopPattern
set white = -1
set ltGray = -2
set Gray = -3
set dkGray = -4
set black = -5
-- The Finder Desktop pattern is the default case. To specify the
-- Finder Desktop, use any negative integer less than -5:
set deskTopPattern = -99
end initGlobals
-- shows the name "Macromedia Director 3.x", "MacroMind Player 3.x", or
-- the name of the Projector:
on ZZZdisplayAppName
global rwObj
put rwObj( mGetAppName ) into returnStr
put "The name of the current application is:" & RETURN & ¬
QUOTE & returnStr & QUOTE into field "stage&screen"
end displayAppName
-- fills the RearWindow with 1-bit patterns or the DeskTop pattern:
on ZZZcoverDesktop patVar
global rwObj
rwObj( mPatToWindow, patVar )
end coverDesktop
on ZZZloadPICT
global rwObj
set fileName = the pathName & "Background.PICT"
set retValue = rwObj( mPICTtoWindow, fileName, 1, -99 )
if value( retValue ) < 0 then
alert "System error" && retValue && "trying to load PICT file" && QUOTE & ¬
fileName & QUOTE
end if
end loadPICT
on ZZZloadCast castName
global rwObj
set myPic = the picture of cast castName
set retValue = rwObj( mCastToWindow, myPic, 1, -99 )
if value( retValue ) < 0 then
alert "Error trying to load castMember" && QUOTE & castName & QUOTE
end if
end loadCast
on ZZZUnCoverDesktop
end UnCoverDesktop
on ZZZmakeObjIfNeeded
global rwObj
if not objectP( rwObj ) then
-- "M" indicates multiple monitors, "S" is for single monitor configuration.
-- ONLY use "S" if there is not enough room for multiple monitors.
-- So first...letΓÇÖs try it with multiple-monitor configuration:
set rwObj = RearWindow( mNew, "M" )
if value( rwObj ) < 0 then
alert "System error" && rwObj && ¬
"trying to create the RearWindow object in RAM (multiple-monitor config)."
end if
if the freeBlock < rwObj( mGetMemoryNeeded ) then
-- delete the object and create it again with a single-monitor config...
if objectP( rwObj ) then
rwObj( mDispose )
set rwObj = RearWindow( mNew, "S" )
end if
if value( rwObj ) < 0 then
alert "System error" && rwObj && ¬
"trying to create the RearWindow object in RAM (single-monitor config)."
end if
end if
end if
end makeObjIfNeeded
on writeStageAndScreenBounds
global rwObj
set s = "Minimum Rect around All Screens:"
set s = s && rwObj( mGetScreenTop ) & ", "
set s = s && rwObj( mGetScreenLeft ) & ", "
set s = s && rwObj( mGetScreenBottom ) & ", "
set s = s && rwObj( mGetScreenRight ) & RETURN
set s = s & "Stage dimensions are:"
set s = s && the stageTop & ", "
set s = s && the stageLeft & ", "
set s = s && the stageBottom & ", "
set s = s && the stageRight
put s into field "stage&Screen"
end writeStageAndScreenBounds
-- this method works best with the Monitors Control Panel set to
-- 256 colors. It also works with fewer colors. With the Control
-- Panel set to ΓÇ£thousandsΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£millionsΓÇ¥ of colors...the choice
-- of color is unpredictable.
on fillWithIndexColor
global rwObj
-- assigning index color:
set patVar = value( field "colorIndex" )
rwObj( mIndexColorToWindow, patVar )
end fillWithIndexColor
-- this method only works with the Monitors Control Panel set to
-- ΓÇ£thousandsΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£millionsΓÇ¥ of colors:
on fillWithRGBColor
global rwObj
-- assigning Red, Green, and Blue values of the color:
rwObj( mRGBColorToWindow, 10000, 25000, 65000 )
end fillWithRGBColor
on mouseHandler
if ( the clickOn = 19 ) OR ( the clickOn = 20 ) then
if the clickOn = 19 then
bumpCIndex +1
else if the clickOn = 20 then
bumpCIndex -1
end if
end if
end mouseHandler
on keyHandler
if the key = RETURN then
end if
end keyHandler
-- a parameter of +1 increments the index, whereas
-- a parameter of -1 decrements it:
on bumpCIndex direction
global rwObj, white, gMaxColors
set cIndex = value( field "colorIndex" )
if integerP( cIndex ) then
set cIndex = cIndex + direction
if ( cIndex < 0 ) OR ( cIndex > gMaxColors ) then
put string( cIndex ) into field "colorIndex"
if cIndex then
rwObj( mIndexColorToWindow, cIndex )
coverDesktop white
end if
repeat while the stillDown
set cIndex = cIndex + direction
if ( cIndex < 0 ) OR ( cIndex > gMaxColors ) then
put string( cIndex ) into field "colorIndex"
if cIndex then
rwObj( mIndexColorToWindow, cIndex )
coverDesktop white
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
end if
end decrCIndex
on wait n
repeat while the timer < n
end repeat
end wait